Salty River

Salty River is an indie rock group from Cyprus, born out of pure passion for music.

The name was inspired by rare saltwater rivers, which oftentimes have mystic properties of cleansing and rebirth ascribed to them.

We all belong to water and from water we are created- water means life. 
Water is also the tears we cry, the emotions that run through us.
Salty River channels these feelings into their music. 

The lyrics will take you on an emotional journey - from love, hate, sadness and happiness, to hope and relief. Each song from “Wild” tells a completely different story, the unique rhythms flowing through your mind.

Salty River is currently working on their second album, their first album “Wild” can be found here.

If you're ready to dive into the world of high-energy, emotional rock music, support this band by listening.
If you want to help them make even more music, you can also support them by buying their merchandise on this page.

Once you drank from this Salty River, it will leave you craving for more.

Check out their Bandcamp page.
Check out their Spotify page.
Check out their Facebook page.
Check out their Instagram page.

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Official Merchandise